Yoga for Children and Teens
In these classes, children and teens center and calm themselves, while having fun with flowing yoga poses, stories, breathing exercises and a relaxation time.
See Elizabeth Goranson's bio for more info.
Hooping for Kids
In these classes, children can learn this nostalgic exercise craze. Hooping conditions your core, works on proper body alignment, boosts flexibility and stability, and lowers stress with an exhilarating aerobic total body weight loss workout. No prior hooping experience is required - wear exercise clothes and bring a water bottle. Hoops are provided and are available for purchase. The instructor is a personal trainer, and her infectious passion for health and fun gives this 1960's pastime a thrilling face lift!
See Kat Suwalski's bio for more info.
Meditation for Children and Teens
Kids and Teens are experiencing more stress than ever in their busier lives, often with little opportunity to relax and unwind. In this class, pre-teens and teens will learn guided meditation, moving meditation, gentle yoga stretches and many other valuable relaxation tools. These tools help reduce stress and bring each teen’s best qualities to the surface. The many benefits include: improved focus, better relationships, greater health, and better sleep. Best of all, it’s fun and relaxing!
See Marci Zieff's bio for more info.