Tea Room Conversation with Andrea Wasserman
Certified Svaroopa® Yoga teacher, Certified Embodyment® Yoga Therapist, and Registered Yoga teacher (RYT500)
As a yoga teacher, I often receive inquiries about physical ailments, such as joint pain, muscle tightness, low back pain, and neck pain. According to Svaroopa® yoga, the form of yoga I teach, these are all symptoms of tension in the muscles surrounding the spine. When these muscles are tight, discomfort can radiate throughout your body and can also add to the stress of daily life.
Many of us also have a busy, racing mind, trouble sleeping, or a compromised immune system that contributes to frequent colds and viruses. Throughout my years of teaching yoga I have seen the therapeutic effects that Svaroopa® yoga has for both the mind and the body. I find this practice, based on ancient yogic teachings, is dependable, effective, and safe. The Sanskrit word “svaroopa” means “the bliss of your own being,” which is where the practice can bring you!
I have had so many personal transformations as a result of committing myself to this practice. I feel immense pleasure and satisfaction when I can offer the teachings to students coming to yoga for the first time, but also to people that have practiced other forms of yoga and want to be introduced to this style.
Svaroopa® yoga’s deceptively simple poses release the deepest tensions in your body, by softening the tight muscles surrounding your spine. The effect of this spinal opening is to radiate relaxation throughout the body. As spinal tensions dissipate, your mind is quieted and stress fades away. Other benefits include --
• Relief from pain
• Replenishment of energy
• Mental clarity
• Release of the deepest tensions in your body
• Enhanced breathing capacity
• Improved digestion
• Increased flexibility and range of motion
• Stress relief
• Quieting of your busy mind
• Centering of your awareness
• Enhancement of your youthful appearance and state of mind
And perhaps best of all --
• Discovery of inner peace, tranquility and bliss!!
In a Svaroopa® yoga class, props are used (blankets, blocks) to support the body where it is, at any level of flexibility, to facilitate the release of tension in the body. The practice is slow and meditative, and suitable for every body. While the practice is gentle, it is effective and profound, and provides benefits to beginners as well as experienced students.
Come attend a Svaroopa® yoga class and experience just how wonderful you can feel in your body and mind. Your first class is free at Roots & Wings....I invite you to come try a class with me!
Andrea Wasserman, Certified Svaroopa® Yoga teacher, Certified Embodyment® Yoga Therapist, and Registered Yoga teacher (RYT500), is offering a $3 discount to Roots & Wings students new to her classes. She has experienced profound changes in her physical, mental, and spiritual well-being and believes you will too.
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