with Angela
Thursdays (remote classes weekly)
12:30—1:30 pm
Ready to uncover your potential? Come discover habits of moving and thinking which aren't serving you. Cultivate calmness, clarity, and joy. Join us!
The theme: connecting with your innate strength, the physical & mental resources you have just below the surface you've forgotten about.
Feldenkrais® offers a unique, profound way to examine and change your habitual and often limiting ways of moving and thinking. By attending to how you move, you'll discover how to improve the quality of your movement. The tools you'll use are: Your attention; Your breath; Your physical self
WHEN: Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 pm Eastern Time.
WHERE: Wherever you are! All you'll need for class:
• Access to the internet
• A computer, tablet, or smart phone
• A blanket to lie on or, sometimes, a chair
• Curiosity
COST: $25
To register, use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpdeqgqzItHtXjfNuFkQd4RNhrVKZMeeit#/registration.
instructor's bio page