Yoga Studio, yoga studios, bodywork, natick massage

Roots & Wings

Yoga and Healing Arts

Nirooshitha Sethuram, E-RYT 500, fluent in Tamil


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Nirooshitha Sethuram, Svaroopa Yoga, natick, ma, instructor

Supporting the healing process and nurturing the self.

"Deepen your roots and spread your wings."

Svaroopa Yoga

(508) 887-5495

Nirooshitha Sethuram is a Certified Svaroopa® Yoga Teacher (CSYT) an Embodyment® Yoga Therapist, Certified Svaroopa® Vichara Therapist and Certified Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation Teacher. She was brought up in a yogic culture but continued her banking career for 15 years, until she found Svaroopa® Yoga. Having taken classes for several years gave her a new focus in her life and she completed her Svaroopa® Yoga teacher training. She brings a lot of enthusiasm and passion to her study of Yoga and to her teaching. She is delighted to share the healing, personal transformation and illumination of this yogic path with you, this time as a host, rather than the teacher.

Nirooshitha invites you to join her in the upcoming Svaroopa® offerings at Roots & Wings, as she hosts guest teacher Swami Satrupananda Saraswati. Satrupananda began practicing yoga and meditation in the 1990s. Once she experienced the effects of Svaroopa® over a decade later, she knew her path. The yoga poses cured her low back pain and the meditation quieted her mind and expanded her understanding of herself and the universe. Satrupananda became a teacher in Svaroopa® yoga and Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation. She serves the Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram in management as well as being a teacher. She says, "I want to serve everyone with whom I come into contact, that each might know their own Self."

Contact Nirooshitha to learn more about the upcoming offerings or check out the program listings: