Yoga Studio, yoga studios, bodywork, natick massage

Roots & Wings

Yoga and Healing Arts

Margaux Skalecki


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Margaux Skalecki, ERYT 500 hour Yoga Teacher, BFA Dance, MA Expressive Therapies
(Performing Arts Education and Healing Arts) , natick, ma, instructor

"May we meet there on the sacredness of the dance floor and all other divine and hopeful places. My feet are part of my prayer tools, I dance for me and I dance for you." Margaux Medicine Dancer

ERYT 500 hour Yoga Teacher, BFA Dance, MA Expressive Therapies (Performing Arts Education and Healing Arts)

(857) 544-3583

Margaux Skalecki, BFA Dance, MA Expressive Therapies (Performing Arts Education and Healing Arts) began her 5Rhythms journey in the 1990s and became a certified teacher of Waves in 2001 and Heartbeat 2016.

In addition, Margaux is a psychic- medium - healer and an animal communicator who connects and works with spirit in all areas of her life. She brings performance, yoga, dance, singing, shamanism, energy healing, authentic relating and activism to many a fellow seeker.

WAVES: The Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Spirit (The 5Rhythms® of Movement)
Saturday (monthly program meets Sep 14)
1:30—4:30 pm